Opening doors with Knight Frank
Opening doors with Knight Frank
Opening doors with Knight Frank
Opening doors with Knight Frank
- Social Media
- Award Winning
Avergage impressions
Average engagements
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The number one auto-fill when you Google "Why are estate agents..." is "so bad?"
That’s a pretty poor rep, isn’t it? This is unfortunately the perception of big estate agents like Knight Frank. We set about trying to challenge these misconceptions with an always-on social media strategy. Through social listening and authentic posts with people at the centre, we aimed to show the personalities behind the suits and continue to grow the most diverse community in the estate agency industry.
To quote a Senior Partner at Knight Frank: “Our people are our strength.” So it felt essential for us to keep the people at the core of our strategy. We needed to shift away from Knight Frank’s corporate brand identity and the associated ‘property porn’ to something that brought a more human storytelling and people centric approach to our social strategy.

At a glance
We needed to find out what Knight Frank means to the people inside it. Our skilled team finds out what the people working for Knight Frank think of the organisation. This is done by listening to the employees’ stories – understanding their experiences, wants and needs when it comes to their careers – and use this to build our strategy.
External survey responses
One on one interviews
Focus groups
Thinking big in our social brand strategy.
We approached the task from as many different angles as possible, trying to find multiple ways of remodelling the social strategy – it doesn’t start and end with a new Instagram account and a LinkedIn banner. Don’t forget, with a social strategy, we’re not simply competing for space on the village notice board – we’re in competition with the entire internet. That’s make-up brands, global conglomerates and even videos of otters being silly.
We thought about how to reconstruct a social media image, right down to the smallest details. What’s the new aesthetic? The colour palette? What kind of content are you going to be shouting about? This is where the idea of @lifeatKnightFrank on Instagram came in. Each aspect of the page was designed to deconstruct and oppose misconceptions of Knight Frank.

You must never underestimate the importance of internal advocacy. It’s no secret that 84% of us trust recommendations from our peer group over a brand’s job endorsement. It explains why content shared by employees has 800% higher engagement compared to a company employer branding content.
This is exactly why we set up a global advocacy programme, encouraging employees to post about their life at Knight Frank. This is very effective for inspiring potential employees to apply. It's human nature: people trust people. You can look towards changing an external perception by highlighting and expressing internal observations.
How did we find the right content? Through a technique called Social Listening. Looking at the employees’ personal pages, engaging with their posts, seeing who’s tagging who and what they’re getting up to. A sponsored bike ride? A fundraiser for Pride? We’re seeing it and we’re talking about it.
This is where we would find the most authentic stories to shout about within Knight Frank. Instead of reaching out for stories, we embedded ourselves within their community and soon enough, the stories came to us. By showing off the person behind the suit, we curated content which was genuine to Knight Frank, and to their people.