Wiser academy training day

Early Talent

Talent Attraction

Talent talks: How bespoke student brand ambassador programmes drive long-term success

4 mins  |  22.10.2024

Your talent pipeline starts here

Ever wonder how some brands just get early talent engagement while others fizzle out before they even begin? It’s not magic, but it’s pretty close. It’s all about bespoke ambassador programmes. Custom-built, personal, and tailored to fit your brand’s unique needs, these programmes are the secret sauce to creating a pipeline of future talent that’s engaged, motivated, and ready to back your brand for the long haul.

Let’s chat about how that works.

What exactly is a bespoke ambassador programme?

After sifting through thousands of applications to find vibrant, ambitious individuals for your internships, who better to champion your brand than those who lived it? After their experience, these individuals are invested in the work that you do, the values you stand for, and the missions driving your company forward. They’re not just pushing out bland company lines; they’re real people, living and breathing your brand’s culture, sharing authentic stories, and connecting with their peers on a deeper level. That’s the magic of a bespoke ambassador programme.

It’s not one-size-fits-all, and that’s where the power lies. These programmes are built around the core of your brand and the people who embody it. Whether it’s tailored campaigns, specific projects, or partnerships that speak directly to your target talent pool, everything’s created to resonate on a human level. And early talent loves that – in fact, the CFA Institute reported that ‘friends’ are now the #1 source of careers advice for students, ranking significantly above careers services and other more traditional channels.

Why go bespoke?

In today’s fast-moving talent world, a cookie-cutter approach just doesn’t resonate. Instead of getting drowned out by the noise, bespoke campus ambassador programmes can provide tailored solutions that fit your brand, while simultaneously building deeper relationships with potential future employees. In 2022, 79% of job seekers used social media in their job search - when your brand ambassadors’ promotional content is returned on these searches, Early Talent gains insight into your brand in a whole new dimension. Authenticity is non-negotiable. Gen Z can spot a fake a mile away, and they want to see the real you, not a polished corporate version.

That’s why bespoke programmes win - you’re creating real, relatable touchpoints that future talent can connect with.

Plus, these programmes let you get creative. Want students wearing your merch on campus? Done – there’s nothing like free stash for the Vinted generation. Need student brand ambassadors to shout about upcoming events that showcase your culture in action? Sorted. It’s about what works for you, and for them.

Wiser Academy cohort 2024

The long-term payoff

Building a bespoke student brand ambassador programme isn’t just a short-term play. Sure, it grabs attention and creates buzz in the here and now, but it’s really about the long game. By investing in early talent and nurturing relationships through these ambassadors, you’re cultivating a pipeline of talent that’s primed and ready for when your recruitment needs arise.

When you carefully select and support ambassadors, they transform into your brand’s most powerful advocates. They bring your company values to life in ways no LinkedIn post or generic job ad ever could. This grassroots approach not only raises awareness of your brand but also builds loyalty, and the cohort of ambassadors that you employ for their time back at campus will feel engaged with your brand the whole academic year. When early talent feels truly connected to your mission, you’ll be front of mind, and they’ll stick around. When the time comes, they’ll choose you over anyone else.

Partnering for success

At Wiser, we get it – no two brands are the same, so why should their student brand ambassador programmes be? We’re all about creating partnerships, not transactions. We work alongside our clients to design a programme that doesn’t just fill roles, but builds relationships. The result? A talent strategy that goes beyond recruitment and straight into long-term success.

So, if you’re ready to stop thinking short-term and start building lasting connections, bespoke student brand ambassador programmes might just be the way forward.

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